Xiamen Sinuowei Automated Science and Technology Co.,Ltd

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  • 자동 호스 클램프 조립 기계는 어떻게 작동합니까?
자동 호스 클램프 조립 기계는 어떻게 작동합니까?

자동 호스 클램프 어셈블리는 어떻게 작동합니까? 기계 작업 ?

사회 발전과 함께 , 노동력 부족, 근로자 유지가 어렵고 비용 상승 노동은 모두 공장에 큰 도전이되고 있습니다.

이 문제를 해결하기 위해 Google 팀에서 개선 된 호스 클램프 기계 지난 10 년 동안 강력하고 많은 특허 출원.

근로자는 준 완성형 제품을 4 시간 간격으로 해당 용지함에 넣으십시오. 우리의 자동 클램프 기계 자격있는 호스 클램프를 생산하기 위해 지속적으로 작동 할 수 있습니다.

일반적으로 , 노동자 한 번에 네 대의 기계를 돌볼 수 있습니다. 각 기계의 효율은 1000pcs / hour. 하루 8 시간의 작업 시간에 따라 호스 클램프 기계는 노동 투입량의 1/4로 연간 2,080,000 PC를 생산할 수 있지만 이전보다 수십 배나 효율적입니다. 고객이 많은 노동 비용을 절약 할 수 있습니다. 반년 및 1 년으로 비용을 회수하십시오. 호스 클램프 조립 기계 작업 다음과 같이 워크 플로를 볼 수 있습니다.

How does the automatic hose clamp assembly machine work? with the development of society,labor shortages, difficult worker retention and Rising costs for labor are all posing greatest challenges to factories. To save this problem, our team invented and improved the hose clamp machine with super powerful over the past 10 years and applied for a lot of patents. Workers only need to put semi-finished products into the corresponding bins at intervals of 4 hours. Our hose clamp machine can run continuously to produce qualified hose clamp. Generally,a worker can take care of four machines at once. The efficiency of each machine is 1000pcs/hour. According to the work time of eight hours of work a day, a hose clamp machine can produce 2,080,000pcs a year with a quarter of labor input but dozen times of efficiency than before. So client can save a lot of labor cost and get back the cost with half and a year.How does the automatic hose clamp assembly machine work?

How does the automatic hose clamp assembly machine work? with the development of society,labor shortages, difficult worker retention and Rising costs for labor are all posing greatest challenges to factories. To save this problem, our team invented and improved the hose clamp machine with super powerful over the past 10 years and applied for a lot of patents. Workers only need to put semi-finished products into the corresponding bins at intervals of 4 hours. Our hose clamp machine can run continuously to produce qualified hose clamp. Generally,a worker can take care of four machines at once. The efficiency of each machine is 1000pcs/hour. According to the work time of eight hours of work a day, a hose clamp machine can produce 2,080,000pcs a year with a quarter of labor input but dozen times of efficiency than before. So client can save a lot of labor cost and get back the cost with half and a year.How does the automatic hose clamp assembly machine work?

How does the automatic hose clamp assembly machine work? with the development of society,labor shortages, difficult worker retention and Rising costs for labor are all posing greatest challenges to factories. To save this problem, our team invented and improved the hose clamp machine with super powerful over the past 10 years and applied for a lot of patents. Workers only need to put semi-finished products into the corresponding bins at intervals of 4 hours. Our hose clamp machine can run continuously to produce qualified hose clamp. Generally,a worker can take care of four machines at once. The efficiency of each machine is 1000pcs/hour. According to the work time of eight hours of work a day, a hose clamp machine can produce 2,080,000pcs a year with a quarter of labor input but dozen times of efficiency than before. So client can save a lot of labor cost and get back the cost with half and a year.How does the automatic hose clamp assembly machine work?



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